Ice Scream

One night, the parents of a young fat child left him home alone. They hated their child, and therefore secret hoped someone would break in and marry him. The dat child sat there eating his ice cream cone.
"I'm so scared to be on my own for the night. But I can at least lick my ice cream to make me feel better!"
As he was trying to sleep, fatass would hear the occasional dripping sounds. Figuring it was just the diarrhea slipping out of his ass crack, he licked his ice cream cone faster.
The next morning he woke to cock hardening scream. His mother had found a dead man in a tutu on the floor of the sex dungeon.
"That's impossible! I was the only here!"
Fatass ran to the bathroom to throw up. But what he saw made him scream. Written on the mirror in vanilla ice cream, was the message: "ICE CREAM CONES CAN LICK TOO"